2024 Annual General Meeting
October 15th, 2024
CINS AGM will be held virtually Tuesday, November 26th from 1 pm to 3 pm ET. Registration can by found here.
We will be electing new officers to the CINS Executive this year. The following positions are open:-2 open positions on the Board of Directors -4 o...
World-leading neutron sources gather with Canadian researchers for consultation on the Canadian Neutron Long-Range Plan
February 26th, 2024
The Canadian neutron beam user community gathered at McMaster University February 12 & 13, 2024 to define priorities and establish a path forward for Canada to invest in materials research with neutron beams in order to realize such outstanding returns&mda...
Registration is now open for the CINS AGM 2023
October 20th, 2023
Virtual December 4th 2023, 1pm – 3pm
Long-Range Plan Update
Neutrons Canada Update
ISIS proposal process and statistics
CINS Bylaw Discussion
Promote CSC neutron scattering session
Other business
Agreement signed for cooperation between Neutrons Canada and the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering
July 27th, 2023
On July 21, 2023, Neutrons Canada signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering (CINS). The MOU outlines several areas of cooperation between the two organizations, including, for example:
CINS will play a fo...
CINS Science Meeting – March 16th & 17th
January 19th, 2023
CINS Science Meeting – March 16th & 17th
Registration remains open for the CINS Science Meeting to be held at McMaster University March 16th and 17th. We have a excellent program of invited talks from researchers across Canada and internationally....
National Neutron Strategy announcement
May 18th, 2022
We are pleased to announce the release of “The National Neutron Strategy: A strategy to rebuild Canadian capacity for materials research with neutron beams.”
The strategy represents the consensus of the community built over the past several years and was d...
Long-Range Plan (LRP) for Canadian Neutron Scattering Launch Meeting Summary
April 29th, 2022
The Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering (CINS), with support from McMaster University on behalf of the Canadian Neutron Initiative, held the launching meeting of A Long-Range Plan (LRP) for Canadian Neutron Scattering on March 10th. This was the first st...
LRP 2022: Call For Expressions of Interest
November 30th, 2021
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the call for expressions of interest (EOI) for the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering Long Range Plan for 2022-2050 (LRP2022). EOIs are due January 31th, 2022, via neutrons@mcmaster.ca
The LRP2022 will review ...

November 15th, 2021
Save the date: 2021 CINS Annual General Meeting
November 29 and 30th
The 2021 CINS Annual General Meeting will be held virtually. The meeting will run Monday, November 29th and Tuesday, November 30th, 2021 from 2 pm to 4 pm ...
CINS Supports “Building a Future for Canadian Neutron Scattering, Phase 2”
June 21st, 2021
Over the past two years, the University of Windsor has led a pan-Canadian effort to address Canada’s ongoing neutron needs in the CFI-IF 2023 competition. Considering previous engagements and the discussion at recent workshops, the CINS Executive Board&n...
“Beam-based Probes of Condensed Matter Physics, Chemistry and Related Fields in Canada” Conference
May 20th, 2021
The Centre for Molecular and Materials Science (CMMS) at TRIUMF is organizing a virtual 2-day workshop for Thursday, June 3rd and Friday, June 4th. The motivation for this workshop is that TRIUMF is engaged in developing a 20-year vision for the laboratory and...
CINS applauds the CFI award for the McMaster-led national project, “Building a Future for Canadian Neutron Scattering”
March 4th, 2021
The Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering (CINS) is thrilled for the neutron beam community to receive a $14.25 million Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Innovation Fund grant project called, Building a Future for Canadian Neutron Scattering.
“An Emerging National Neutron Strategy in Canada”
January 21st, 2021
McMaster Nuclear Reactor (MNR) (Photo by McMaster University)
On December 15 and 16, 2020, leading scientists from across Canada gathered virtually to shape this “national neutron strategy” at a round-table organized by the Canadian Neutron Initiative (CNI)...

Thank you!
September 17th, 2020
63 Canadian researchers responded to our survey of how they are able to meet their research needs with neutron beams. We’re tabulating the responses to see how things are in the two years since the closure of the CNBC.

New neutron source in Canada would spur innovation, medical treatments
September 15th, 2020
A new article in The Conversation discusses the what a new neutron source can do for Canada.
Drew Marquardt, CINS Board Member, and Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, University of WindsorMing Pan Assistant Professor in Department of Oncology, Western Un...

“Neutrons Canada” meeting report available
May 21st, 2020
On 2020 January 29, the Vice Presidents of Research or their designates from 16 Canadian universities met in Ottawa to discuss a proposed new pan-Canadian, university-led framework to manage Canada’s infrastructure, international partnerships, projects, and p...

Europe leans in to help establish Neutrons Canada
February 7th, 2020
On January 29, Fifteen senior executives of Canada’s research universities met in Ottawa with Dr Mona Nemer, Canada’s Chief Science Advisor, and several of our European colleagues to discuss how to establish a new cross-Canadian university-led org...

70 Years of Neutron Beams for Materials Research: The CNBC Releases Its Final Activity Report
March 12th, 2019
With the release of its final activity report, the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre (CNBC) celebrates Canada’s leadership in the use of neutron beams for materials research for over 70 years.
leadership began with the startup of the NRX reactor at Chalk R...

Report Examines Impact of Canadian Research Using Neutron Beams on Canada’s Innovation Economy
February 28th, 2019
The Canadian Neutron Beam Centre (CNBC), a national research
facility in Chalk River, Ontario, that is now in a decommissioning phase, “had
a positive impact on Canadian innovation, research, and industry, as well as on
the development of highly qualified pers...

Parliamentary Committee Recommends Implementation of the Canadian Neutron Initiative
December 12th, 2018
The House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance (FINA) recommended, in its December 10, 2018 report, that the Government of Canada “Support the pan-Canadian, university-led Canadian Neutron Initiative to ensure that Canada maintains our pla...

Waterloo Engineering Professor Welcomed at Neutron Source in France for Light-Weight Materials Research
November 14th, 2018
As researchers seek access to neutron beams elsewhere following closure of the Canada’s primary neutron source, other neutron sources are open to partnership with Canada.

Highlights from the CINS meeting in Windsor
October 23rd, 2018
Science talks showing the range of research applications of neutron beams, from Alzheimer’s disease to rock formation, and intense discussion of the neutron beam community’s future are among the highlights from the CINS meeting at the University of...

New report finds high scientific impact from Canadian research using neutron beams
October 23rd, 2018
“Having access to national shared resources for materials research, including neutron beams, enhances scientific impact.”

Update on the Canadian Neutron Initiative and the “Neutrons@Mac” meeting
June 11th, 2018
The gathering of researchers at McMaster University on May 17 was highly productive, and well attended with approximately 40 people in person and online, representing 12 universities from 4 provinces.
A key outcome was the statement of continued support for th...