Please reserve June 28, 1-2:30pm (Eastern Standard Time), for a special meeting of CINS to discuss the future of Canadian neutron scattering, and how you can be involved immediately to help forge that future.
At this meeting, more details on the Canadian Neutron Initiative (CNI) will be presented, including its vision, scope, and progress with government.
The CNI is a working group of research leaders formed to establish a new framework for leadership, management and funding of Canada’s capacity for materials research with neutron beams, building on existing national and international resources, following the shutdown of the NRU reactor and expiry of Canada’s participation in the Spallation Neutron Source – both in 2018.
The meeting will take place as an online meeting using your computer and telephone.
Instructions to participate will be provided in an email from AnyMeeting.com.
Please contact webmaster@cins.ca if you do not receive the instructions.